When dealing with the matter of natural hair, there are very few things as vital as the quality of the products you choose to style your hair with. Indeed, given the fact that many women turn to the natural hair movement to find ways to grow long, healthy, natural hair, as well as reverse damage caused by harsh chemicals, finding products with the best ingredients, is essential to the hair health of every Naturalista. Are you curious as to which ingredients are the best in terms of natural hair products? The following is an overview of the top 7 ingredients to look for when purchasing natural hair products.
IG: @tatted_imtatted
While many tend to shy away from water in regards to hair care, it is actually the best ingredient to help moisturize the hair. A great ingredient to help you achieve or retain more moisture, water should always be one of the most prominent ingredients within your natural hair products. Also, keep in mind that drinking more water is also a way to achieve healthy hair as well as better physical health in general.
Shea Butter
A substance that is filled with fatty acids, Shea butter is a great ingredient for natural hair. A great emollient, Shea butter is an excellent sealant known to help increase your hair’s level of moisture as well as its shine and sheen. One of the most commonly used ingredients in the highest quality products, Shea butter is useful as a sealant, a remedy to soothe dry, itchy scalps, and provides excellent moisture for hair that may be dry or damaged.
IG: @patience_edet
Coconut Oil
Another common ingredient in many of the top natural hair care products, coconut oil is an excellent emollient for natural hair. A great ingredient that can be used in order to seal the hair and add moisture, coconut oil can provide strength and shine to an array of natural hair textures and styles. Great as a leave-in or as an element of a product, coconut oil is a high-quality product that many Naturalistas enjoy the benefits of.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Yet another emollient that is great for softening and helping to moisturize the hair, extra virgin olive oil is a great ingredient for natural hair care products. Although other types of olive oil may also be effective, extra virgin olive oil is preferable as this means it hasn’t been chemically altered or filtered through a series of machines.
IG: @maryamjhampton
Vegetable Glycerin
A lesser known ingredient, vegetable glycerin actually has a host of benefits for Naturalistas. Most notably, vegetable glycerin helps to keep hair moisturized by attracting and binding water to itself. A great additive to a vast array of natural hair products and home remedies, products with vegetable glycerin are excellent for hair that requires additional moisture.
Aloe Vera
An ingredient that is great for promoting growth as well as a means of treating hair loss as well as a host of scalp issues and conditions. A common ingredient in many shampoos and conditioners, aloe vera can be used alone or as a part of a store bought or homemade product mixture. Best utilized by applying it directly to the hair and scalp, aloe vera is great for both products that need to be washed out as well as an array of leave-ins.
IG: @ownbyfemme
Tea Tree Oil
Lastly, a great ingredient for Naturalistas, tea tree oil is a unique substance that helps natural hair in an array of ways. With its powerful antiviral, antiprotozoal, antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal properties, this is a great ingredient to help soothe scalp issues as well as promote hair growth. An excellent remedy for dry scalp, sebum build up, and stimulate the scalp for increased hair growth, tea tree oil has a number of medicinal effects that is not typically addressed by most other natural hair ingredients.