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Honey Baby Natural

Have You Hurd?

Let me tell you about this New Product that I received last year from Unhurd Conversations Natural Hair Event that took place in Maumelle, AR.

Since, I wasn’t able to attend the Unhurd Conversations Natural Hair Event, I was thankful to get a goodie bag shipped full of some natural hair products and Honey Baby Natural was one of them.

“Honey Baby Natural” is made from real pure honey. I decided to use this product on my hair and my daughter's hair, because I haven’t been able to find anything that detangles her hair without all the fuss. Once I applied Honey Baby Natural Shampoo and Conditioner on her hair it was everything!!!!! I was able to comb through her hair and the smell was to die for.

Honey Baby Natural products are for all hair types. My daughter and I have a different texture, it left my hair feeling and smelling good as well. Just being able to apply products to my hair and get instant results the from the shampoo is a plus for me, as some of you may not know I am on my 3rd “Big Chop” and I’ve never applied shampoo and conditioner on my hair and it felt so soft!

So, I advise that you head over to “Honey Baby Natural” Instagram and place your order for some of those FABULOUS products. You won’t be disappointed!

“When your Hair looks good, You feel good!” ~ ToriArlandis

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